Series which tells the story of how big business feeds us by transforming simple commodities into everyday necessities and highly profitable brands
BBC series. I haven't watched it but it sounds REALLY interesting. (Thanks Laila)
A source on food, farming and rural society
عشائر «الملحم» لجعجع: لا تقلل من شأن البدو الرحل | ||||||||||
شتورة ـ «السفير» استهجنت عشائر الشيخ عبد العزيز طراد الملحم الكلام الاخير لرئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع الذي «قلل من شأن البدو الرحل وكأنهم ليسوا من بني البشر». وقال بيان حمل توقيع عشائر الشيخ عبد العزيز طراد الملحم: «نحن أحفاد الذين كان لهم الجندية والقيادة في الجيوش الإسلامية بالفتوحات لبلاد الشام، وعندما حرّرت من الروم أصبحت كلها بلادنا من البحر إلى البحر، ونرتحل من مكان لمكان في وطننا العربي الكبير الذي قسّمه الاحتلال، وجزّأنا إلى أقطار هو صانعها وواضع قوانينها ودساتيرها، وبرغم ذلك كان لنا قانوننا العشائري الموحّد الذي يحكمنا ونحتكم له بما لا يخالف شريعتنا الإسلامية، وهو الرادع بكل مـن يخل بالقيم والاخلاق وما زال سارياً بيننا عندما كان دستورك يا جعجع الذي تتغنى به حرمنا لسبعة عقود أقل حقوقنا الوطنية وهي «هويتنا اللبنانية». وقانون البدو الرحل رد عنا دهاليز فتنة الحرب الأهلية والطائفية التي غرق بها جعجع. وقانون البدو الرحل منعنا من العمالة وخيانة الوطن والتعامل مع الأعداء». أضاف البيان: «قانون البدو الرحل يتطوّر ويتحدّث مع تطور الحياة وظروفها، والقوانين المدنية لا تعرف التحديث، البدو الرحل أسسوا دولاً ووحّدوا بلداناً وأصبحوا قادة على رؤوس الأشهاد. وحملوا أعلى الشهادات واستلموا أرفع المواقع السياسية والقيادية في بلادنا العربية. البدو الرحل في الأمس القريب كنت في ضيافتهم في المملكة العربية السعودية، لتستنجد بحلولهم لإنقاذ نفسك. |
SAMAQQ - Peut-on extraire la Méditerranée de la globalité du monde ?Rami Zurayk from agropolis International on Vimeo.
Ortega's Faltering Economy - - - - - - - - - - - - ¶2. (SBU) In 2007, the Ortega Administration coasted on the achievements of the Bolanos government, but that ride is about to end. The government essentially adopted Bolanos' 2007 and 2008 budgets, and used them as the basis for negotiating a new Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Agreement with the IMF. Foreign investment remained stable in 2007 thanks to commitments made during the Bolanos years. Exports are up this year by 21% over 2007 levels. In most other respects, however, the Ortega government is not faring well. Growth expectations have fallen while inflation expectations have risen. In 2007, inflation reached 17% and annualized inflation is running at 22% for 2008, the second highest rate in Latin America. The lack of a strong policy response to rising oil and food prices worries independent economists, some of whom suspect that hidden foreign assistance from Hugo Chavez has created excess liquidity. Minimum wages rose 30% in the last year, but still do not cover the soaring cost of food and transportation. To quell demand and keep prices down, the government removed import tariffs on basic food items through December 2008, made documenting export shipments more difficult, and instructed the state-owned grain storage company to intervene in local markets. So far in 2008, the Agricultural Ministry has failed to deliver needed seeds to farmers in time for planting, although it has become aware of the urgency need to do so. More radical measures related to food supply may be coming, as President Ortega has just concluded a regional "food sovereignty" summit in Managua on May 7.
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Agricultural cooperation - - - - - - - - - - - - - ¶17. (SBU) Finance Minister Qamar described increasing agricultural production as low hanging fruit, pledging that agricultural development will be the "main thrust of economic growth in the short term" as the income stays in the rural areas, which serves to alleviate poverty. He advocated strengthening the U.S.-Pakistan agricultural relationship. Qamar reported that water utilization remains a constraint for increased agricultural capacity; 60 percent of Pakistan's irrigation water never reaches crops due to inadequate irrigation systems and technology. Due to water constraints that prevent more planting, xxxxxxxxxxxx opined that the integration of genetically modified seeds is critical to increasing agricultural productivity. He requested enhanced U.S.-Pakistan collaboration on biotechnology research, cooperative biosecurity training and assistance in improving Pakistan agricultural value chains, particularly the use of cold storage and cool chain techno logies and methods. Finance Secretary Qayyum also discussed more access to U.S. markets, noting their twelve year effort to ship mangoes to the U.S. The Agricultural Counselor replied that once the Cobalt 60 arrives and the irradiation Islamabad 00003010 005 of 008 facility is operating, USDA will restart the mango pre-shipment protocol. Also discussed were the ongoing negotiations to resolve differences over wheat import permit conditions so that U.S. commercial and food assistance wheat shipments to Pakistan could resume.