Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sustainability review

"The priority of the new Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Roundtable is to reduce the confusing array of different labels and statements appearing on food packages but fostering agreement on scientific assessment of environmental impact.


“We want to put an end to consumers seeing inconsistent environmental information on products,” said Pekka Pesonsen, secretary general of Copa-Cogeca, one of the organisations currently participating.

“Our new cooperation will bring together initiatives from across the food chain, promote their foundation on sound scientific evidence and translate into real progress in moving towards a coherent approach across the EU.”

At present labels, statements and declarations tend to assess different environmental impacts with different methodologies – such as carbon footprint, agricultural practices, transport, packaging, etc.

But the partners believe the information can be confusing, especially when it is over-simplified, scientifically unreliable, or based on inconsistent methodologies in different EU member states.

The effect can be to undermine consumer trust, lead to accusations of greenwashing, and even stand in the way of aiding real environmental improvement."

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