Monday, November 15, 2010

Health, agricultural, and economic effects of adoption of healthy diet recommendations

Agriculture is a strategic sector in most countries, not only because of its role as a producer of food but also because it is a key contributor to the economy. In 2007, the three biggest export food commodities worldwide were fruit and vegetables (accounting for 24·3% [US$151 billion] of total global food exports), cereals (19·2% [$119 billion]), and meat (14·8% [$88 billion]).35 China and the EU are the biggest global producers of food by agricultural output and trade volume, although agriculture contributes less than 10% of their gross domestic product (GDP). By contrast, in many low-income countries, agriculture is the biggest sector of the economy, contributing 30—77% of GDP in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia.36 Agriculture is crucial for rural development, accounting for more than 50% of rural household income in many parts of the world. In low-income countries agriculture forms a large part of the labour force, with more than 1·3 billion people employed in agriculture worldwide, 97% of whom live in low-income countries.35 In 2006, more than 50% of the total workforce in Africa and Asia was employed in agriculture, compared with only 2% in western Europe and North America.35
(Thanks Muna) 

Excellent paper from The Lancet, a must read

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