Monday, March 28, 2011

La Via Campesina: Respect!

Support the Arab peoples in struggle
No to the bombardment of Libya!

From Tunisia and Egypt, to the Yemen and Syria, passing through Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, the people are rising up en masse to bring down authoritarian dictatorial regimes. For more than a month now, hundreds of thousands of Libyans peacefully have been taking to the streets  calling for the end of the Ghadafi regime.

The Ghadafi was deaf to these calls and opted for the worst case scenario. The responsibility for the deaths and the blood shed in Libya lies on his shoulders. By choosing to bombard villages and massacre civilian populations, the regime itself has provided the opportunity Western Imperialism has been waiting for to try to regain the upper hand in the region. 

Today, France, the United States, Canada and Great Britain are engaged in an operation to invade Libya After weeks of watching the Libyan people being massacred and carefully avoiding organizing the international pressure that would have been necessary to escape the deadlock, they now pass themselves off as the saviors.
The first bombardments of Libyan infrastructure in Tripoli and elsewhere have already begun. The Western bombers will continue until they can either prepare an occupation of Libya under the banner of the UN, or, even better, choose and impose the members of the opposition who will be most favorable to Western interests.
This military operation in Libya, also serves as a distraction,  as the repression continues in the Yemen, Bahrain and beyond.   

Via Campesina calls for the will of the people to be respected.
Via Campesina calls for an immediate halt to Western military intervention.
Via Campesina calls on everyone to mobilize for a peaceful solution to the crisis in Libya. 

La Via Campesina Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. We are an autonomous, pluralist and multicultural movement, independent of any political, economic, or other type of affiliation. Born in 1993, La Via Campesina now gathers about 150 organisations in 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.


Anonymous said...

You do realize the Libyan opposition was calling for the no-fly zone themselves and were actually losing and in retreat when it was instated,but hey, what's the opinion of a few Libyans when you can solve everybody's problems with anti-imperial proclamations.

So how's about it, for a change, instead of just criticizing everyone who is actually willing to act (whatever their ulterior motives) give us what in your opinion would be a viable alternative that will lead to the Libyan opposition winning against Qaddafi's (relative) military superiority.

Rami Zurayk said...

sorry i don't talk to anonymous people