Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence day

In red and white, Michele Sisson, US ambassador to Lebanon. Helping her cut the (US flag?) cake: Fawzi Salloukh, the minister of foreign affairs and member of the opposition Amal block, Ali Bazzi, the head of Amal's foreign relations (also opposition) and on the far end Nehmeh Tohmeh, a member of the Walid Jumblat (loyalist) block. (Official photo by Dalati and Nahra).


Ms Levantine said...

Since Sisson is dressed as Calamity Jane, why isn't Salloukh dressed as Buffalo Bill?

Salloukh and Bazzi are obviously helping their kids get a green card, hence their presence.

Leila Abu-Saba said...

I will be so happy when all Bush stooges are out of office. I don't know anything about this woman but I am prejudiced against her just by looking at her. (and by knowing who appointed her)