Monday, February 28, 2011

Something big happened, and it is not in the Arab World

"This week, something big happened. The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) published a letter on their website, written by Dr. Don Huber to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. The letter detailed preliminary findings that link the herbicide Roundup and/or genetically modified Roundup Ready crops to miscarriages in animals.
Stories pop up ALL THE TIME about GMOs causing this disease or that, and usually I don't believe them. This time, Judith McGeary of FARFA (a good friend of mine) was certain that this is a big story. The findings are preliminary. But Dr. Huber found them concerning enough that he wrote to Tom Vilsack asking that a major expansion of the use of genetically modified crops (the deregulation of GE alfalfa) be postponed until more research can be done." (Thanks Nahed)

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