Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine flu and Arabic

An excellen Arabic article on capitalism and the swine flu by Fadl Shalak in Assafir today. Shalak was the head of the Council for Development and Reconstruction of Lebanon.


Steve Bloom said...

The best place I've found for keeping up with the flu story is at the Intersections blog of Daniel Hernandez, a Mexican-American journo living in Mexico City.

I haven't seen a post from you on the flu-CAFO connection, Rami, so be sure to note Daniel's material on that subject.

Steve Bloom said...

Clarification: I meant the specific Mexican connection that's suspected for this outbreak.

Rami Zurayk said...

Thanks Steve

Rami Zurayk said...

Steve I cant find the post with the CAFO connection. Can you provide the link?