Seven years ago, the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature started its campaigns for
"From the Besieged Farmer to the Besieged Family" Campaign -
- Preparing food baskets consisting of foodstuffs and produce bought from farmers and distributing them among needy families, which have lost their livelihoods due to invasions, closures and the resulting deaths and loss of jobs among family providers.
- The baskets contain locally produced cheese, palm dates, thyme, strawberry juice, tomato, cucumber, potato, cabbage, onion and cauliflower
- Required amount: $200,000 - $70 per basket (2,130 baskets for 2,130 families)

"They Uproot One Tree.We Plant Ten" Campaign - reclamation and planting of destroyed agricultural lands in
· Today, more than 80% of
· The project will contribute to planting more than 20,000 trees in the destroyed lands.
· Required amount for rehabilitation and planting: $100,000

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
Tele: 5673331, e-mail:
Fax: 5699777, P.O.Box 811815 Amman - 11181 Jordan
Bank Account for the trees planting campaign JD 0128/258383-6/500
$ 0128/258383-6/510
? 0128/258383-6/598
Swift code: ARABJOAX128
Arab Bank, Gardens Branch/
This is a message I have received from Gaza.
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