Wednesday, January 2, 2008


"Israel has reason to be especially concerned by the increase of greenhouse gases - which initiate a chain of events that lead to global warming and rising sea levels - according to a report released by the Friends of the Earth Middle East (FOEME) at the Bali conference.

The report found that rising sea levels could have severe environmental, economic and political implications for the already-parched Middle East.

Climate change could act as a "threat multiplier," exacerbating water scarcity and tensions over water between nations linked by hydrological resources, geography and shared borders - particularly in Jordan, Gaza and Egypt.

"Poor and vulnerable populations, which exist in significant numbers throughout the region, will likely face the greatest risk," said the report. Rising sea levels would also contaminate the drinking water of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, and displace two to four million Egyptians by 2050, the report said."

From the Jerusalem Post. How about they stop killing Palestinians if they're so concerned? Or just let food into Gaza?

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